Data sheet of the garden |
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Garden identificaton number: | 1003 |
Garden name: | Víg kastély és parkja (Tölgyesszögtanya) |
Present size of the garden: | 1,8 ha |
Country: | Hungary |
County: | Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg |
Settlement: | Szabolcsveresmart |
Street: | n.a. |
House number: | |
Phone: | n.a. |
Fax: | |
Email: | |
Web site: | |
WGS84 latitude coordinate: | 48.288663 |
WGS84 longitude coordinate: | 22.015225 |
National grid X coordinate: | |
National grid Y coordinate: | |
Land ownership record: | |
Owner: | n.a. |
Manager(s), renter(s): | n.a. |
User: | |
Present function, usage: | n.a. |
Openness for the public: | |
Opening hours: | |
Visitors per year: | |
Garden historical data |
Type: | Not selected |
Style, character: | |
Special value: | |
Importance, value: | regional importance |
Original size of the garden: | ha |
Year(s) of garden planting: |
Present state, condition of the garden: | |
Present structure of the garden: | |
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Plant condition: | |
Plans, maps: | |
Historic county name: | |
Historic Monument Data: |
Historic monument number(s): | |
Historic monument type: | |
Resolution of historic monument: | |
Description of built objects |
Main building description: | |
Building time of the principal building: | |
Condition of the principal building: | |
Present function of the main building: | |
Other buildings list: | |
Main building style: | |
Nature Conservation data: |
Type of nature conservation: | helyi védettségű terület |
Nature Conservation code : | 75-4/4981. (VII.3.) VB. hat., 1986/1 Tr. |
Natuara2000 area code: | |
Landscape Data: |
Morphology: | |
Hydrology: | |
Plant geography: | |
Soil: | |
Climate: | |
Visual connections: | |
Landscape Character Area name: | |
Landscape Character Area type: | |
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Other: | |
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Associated persons: | |
Bibliography: | |
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Last modified by: | |